Dilapidations can often come as a surprise to many Business owners and can very quickly become problematic.

More often than not, your Landlord will serve a Schedule of Dilapidations when you are least
prepared to deal with it: i.e when you are expanding operations (and could do without the headache) or when you are consolidating operations (and could do without the headache)

In this particular case, our client was the Tenant of a large industrial premises in Stoke on Trent.

They had advised the Landlord that they were looking to move inro a smaller unit due to changes in their client market and the introduction of hybrid working.

Understandably, their Landlord issued a Terminal Schedule of Dilapidations.

The claimed amount was £1,600,000.00

We were instructed to undertake an assessment of Lease Documents and to negotiate a settlement with the Landlord.

Following a lengthy process of investigation and supporting our client with a robust defence, we settled the Dilapidations claim for £320,000.00

If you would like to chat about how we could potentially help you and protect your Business from such claims, please get in touch.

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